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Ford Continues to Support Their Home Community

Ford Continues to Support Their Home Community

As one of the leading companies in the Detroit area, Ford has supported the community for many years with a variety of programs.

This company has provided the Ford Fund which brings nearly $20 million per year for education, arts, culture, hunger relief, and many other services around the city of Detroit. Over the past ten years, the Ford Volunteer Corps has participated in over 10,000 community service projects in the local area to help breathe new life into the community and bring back the glory that was once Detroit. Even with this amazing level of community assistance, sometimes more needs to be done.

The Ark Association Fights Hunger

The economic recession that has ravaged Detroit for the past few decades has left many people homeless and on the streets. For the past seventeen years, Karen Gates has led a team of volunteers at The Ark Association on a mission to help provide food, clothing, and hope to the many hungry and homeless people around the Roosevelt Park area of Detroit. This park is situated in front of the Michigan Central Station, which Ford recently purchased. This mission to help the hungry and homeless is one that comes with its own level of challenges.

Keeping the Mission Alive

Recently, the vehicle that was used to transport the food and supplies for The Ark Association broke down, which limited their ability to serve the community and get the items to the hungry people in the park. these people have come to rely on this meal service to have at least one good meal on a Saturday, and without a vehicle to get the job done, the team of volunteers was extremely limited in what they could do. This seemed like a desperate situation for the volunteer organization, but they never lost hope.

Ford stepped in to make sure The Ark Association could continue its mission of doing good by bringing clothes and food to the homeless. When they heard about the broken down vehicle, the Ford Motor Company stepped in and delivered a brand new 12-passenger Transit van to the team of The Ark Association. The presentation was done outside the Ford Resource and Engagement Center, which is a community center in the southwest Detroit area that provides a variety of services to the community. The volunteer team, especially Karen Gates, couldn’t believe their luck and now have a great way to continue their mission.

Ford is a Central Community Leader

The amazing leadership shown by Ford to serve and support the community they reside in is certainly an example that we can all follow. While most of us can’t afford to provide $20 million to any community each year, we can all help those who war less fortunate and find ways to support the volunteer organizations in our communities. The Detroit area is certainly the beneficiary of the generosity of Ford, but their example can be spread around the world and help us become a community of humanity across the globe.

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